Thursday, October 2, 2008

Katie is coming!!!!

I have really not been feeling well the past few days. I saw my doc today and told her and she recommended going ahead with delivery....tomorrow! I am 4cm and 75% effaced and that combined with getting dehyrated on and off she is worried about the fluid level around the baby. She mentioned that I could get an amnio done to check for lung maturity but she thinks Katie should do fine. But she wanted me to be aware that she may need to be transferred to a civilian hospital if she doesn't due well....since she will be considered preterm by a couple of days.
So now I am in a state of shock...I want her to be here so badly but now the thought of!!!! I will make sure to post lots of pictures as soon as I can :)


Unknown said...

Liz Liz exciting! I think you are delivering on Ft Campbell and since I work here on post I will try to stop in tomorrow! Praying for you! Love ya! Linda

Ashley said...

WOW! You are sooo lucky! I hope Katie is nice and healthy. Good Luck! I am sooo jealous that your baby is coming out before mine :)

~Teez said...

Liz, I can't wait to see the baby! I'm praying that you have lots of help though and I've been thinking about you a lot lately because going from 2 to 3 is a very difficult challenge especially with one under 2 yrs. I'm having a hard time doing it with Peter home and I've been praying that you will have lots of people there to support you and give you the help you'll need.