Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow and tooth fairies!!!

So the past few weeks that we have lived here we've seen a fair amount of snow :) Been a lot of fun. We've made snow angels, snow forts, and have had several snowball fights. Little Joe LOVES the snow...would stay in it all day if I would let him. Garrett is kind of a middle man (no offence that he is the middle child). But he gets cold quickly and wants inside. He will go out there and play with a shovel or kick it around for a few minutes then he's done and would rather watch Joe from inside. Katie has gone outside but she hasn't actually touched the snow yet. That girl is happy as long as someone is loving on her...preferably her Mama LOL.

Another fairy that visited this week was the tooth fairy!!! I think I have been more excited for Joe to lose a tooth than he has. For months I've been asking him if they were loose...nope. Then boom he comes home one day from school and one is sitting sideways in his mouth. I thought Big Joe might like to pull it since he has missed so much of the kids with the deployments. But the kids and I went to the pharmacy and Joe says, "Mama I got it!" and I looked back to see a hole in his mouth! Unfortunately he also dropped it in the truck and a tiny tooth is hard to find in a big truck so the tooth fairy had to visit on the honor system ;). Joe was much more excited when he found a dollar under his pillow the next morning. And don't feel bad for Big Joe since he missed this event too....turns out the whole thing makes him a bit squeamish. who has seen a lot...and I mean A LOT in Iraq did not want to see Joe's missing tooth until the blood spot was gone and it looked like his normal gums. I guess when it's your kiddo it's different. Good thing he wasn't here for the majority of Little Joe's hospital stays and surgeries too then, huh.

So another exciting week in the Harrison home :) Big Joe is busy as usual with work. I have been making and selling a few diaper cakes and also found out one of my favorite e-store's owner is in Joe's unit!! Funny how those things work :). Hope everyone is staying warm!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Everything Changes

Wow..things just feel different. New town, new house, and even a new business!! Things are going well and busy as usual. I have been trying to get doctor appts done and paperwork to enroll Garrett and Katie in hourly care on post and paperwork done for Joe so he can play soccer this spring on post. We had a lot of snow here over the last week. The kids had a ball playing in it :) And I thought it was beautiful to watch.

Big Joe has started teaching his new class which also means I take over the FRG (family readiness group). So now I have about 45 women that I have to help prepare to become commanders' wives. Crazy..I know. Well then I also decided to create a home business of making diaper cakes and other baby items. I have already been able to get a local store to sell them, plus I have an internet store ( if you wanna check it out) and I have signed up for a consignment sale to sell them at. And considering the business has only been up and running about 10 days thingare are going really well! Not really sure why life has gone into hyper drive right now, but I kinda like it :).

Bug has also taken big steps lately...literally! our baby girl is starting to walk. She looks so cute as she can still wear most of her 3-6 month clothing but she is 15 months old. So it's this tiny cute blond bundle toddling around. When she thinks too hard about walking she gets nervous and sits to crawl, but sometime we catch her talking 10-15 steps at a time! Soooo cute.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcoming the New :)

A lot has been different in our family lately. First of all, we did not spend Christmas with extended family as we usually do. We decided because we were pinching pennies to keep up with paying for two houses we would stay low key. We attended a Christmas Eve service at a local church, had Christmas morning at the new house and then drove to my Dad's in Tennessee and stayed 2 nights with him. I was really surprised how happy I felt the whole time after my initial disappointment of not seeing more family.
I finally feel settled in the new house. I unpacked and organized feverishly for about 10 days and got it all done. Little Joe seems to enjoy his new school and I am learning my way around town and post.
Big Joe had also been having a lot of work done on the old house. We had a new floor put in the kitchen and hall....which I wish we had had the money to do when we moved there. It's really pretty. And he also had the house repainted...which became a huge argument, but we survived. Then after the stress and worry and lots of prayer about the house in Tennessee...things started to spark. A couple of people came to look at it and were pretty interested...then we got an offer :):):):)!!! And last night, New Year's Eve, things were finally settled and offers were accepted!!!
So it's been busy, surprising, and nice. And even though I am terribly sad to leave my hometown, family, friends, church, beautiful house and barn I am learning that I can be happy just about anywhere as long as my little clan in together :). Our futures are still bright with dreams of country live again but we are welcoming new homes, towns, friends, and much more along the way. :)
Here are some pics of the new house and Christmas :)the new of my two fav rooms in the new place :)
the playroom other fav room which is already put to good use as you can see :)
The boys running in Christmas morning (living room)

Dad and Bug sharing some pecan pie...Dad had to get another piece she ate so much :)
My Dad playing with Nerf guns with the boys...I think he had a little too much fun :)