Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nice long weekend

Hope everyone had a good weekend and took time to remember the heroes that have given their all for this great country.
We stayed busy as usual. Joe got to come home from Knox for a long weekend. It has been really nice. I had to work on Saturday but it was kinda nice to get out. We had a date night last night....the new Indy movie is awesome :). Little Joe had a birthday party to go to and of course we grilled out. Big Joe also bought a new computer this weekend to take to Korea. We should be able to keep in good contact with it. He only has a couple of weeks left at the advanced course..yea!
We will head to Oregon next week for a family vacation. Yahoooo! I am so excited. We will celebrate out 7th anniversary there.....crazy we've been married that long. His folks will keep the kids for a night and we are going to head up to Crater Lake National Park and spend the night. I know I haven't traveled a whole lot in my life but I seriously think it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
By the way I had an OB appt last week. Everything looks great with the pumpkin. And I finally put on a little weight so my doc is much happier. We took a peek at the baby just for fun and she thinks there may be some pink in my future :):):):):). She didn't have a really good view so I won't get my hopes up just yet but how exciting would that be?!?!?! Only 8 days left til we can find out for sure :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On the left is Garrett or Garretto Burrito as he is known around here :). This was taken on his first birthday :)
Then Joe's graduation invatation. I thought they were so sweet and very nice (better than my high school and college ones...heheheh)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Here goes nothin'

Hey there :). I have a sight set up for Little Joe and his issues but thought since I have been adding more and more family things there (and being inspired by my military friends :)) I should really address them somewhere else. So here I go....officially blogging.
Little Joe graduated from preschool this week. Holy cow!! I have recently joined a Mom's group that will hopefully give us some activities for the summer. A big downside to living in the country is a lack of neighbors and social things for the kiddos so I hope this will help. Garrett is as sweet and bubbly as ever. Even took a couple of really wobbly steps between Big Joe and I today :).