Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The tale of a refrigerator

So, I have been told recently I have the "emptiest fridge" considering we are a family of five. I just want to clarify that I do indeed feed my family...um look at my husband. But I am very careful as to what I put in my fridge and what stays there. A couple of reasonings behind this. One, my mother, God rest her soul kept a very clean house, but she tended to be a pack rat when it came to food. Who knows why...maybe it was because he parents went through the depression and had the keep everything mentality. Maybe it was just a quirk my mother had. But the fridge was packed...and I mean PACKED with all kinds of food...and a lot of it wasn't even recognizable after a while. I made a vow my fridge would never look like that. The second reason is I try to eat as clean as possible? Clean as in my slight OCD issues..no. Clean as in whole food and very little processed things. My kids do eat cereal, and pasta (mainly because those are safe foods for Joe), and dairy. So we aren't complete Paleo fanatics, but we do try to eat as healthy/clean as possible. So here is a picture of my fridge after it is stocked from the grocery store The pie is a chicken pot pie made without chicken broth and as low fat as it can possibly be. Next is a picture just before I go back to the store. Most of the veggies that were in the drawers are gone. And when the apple juice for the younger kids is gone they sure let me know! One thing you will rarely see in my fridge is any kind of coke. I hate drinking calories, except for a protein shake. I have even cut down on my milk consumption considerably. Now I am drinking unsweetened cocunut milk. So see, I don't think it's THAT empty.