Friday, September 5, 2008

One more appt down...

I had another OB appt. Everything looks about the same as before. I gained a lil bit of weight so she was happy to see that. I'm measuring at 32 weeks and her heartbeat was about 144. Ultrasound looked good. She is still very low but at least there was a lil fluid between her and my cervix this time. I am still about 1cm dialated. She had her schedule for the 1st 2 weeks of October but not the 2nd 2. She said when she got it she would give me a call and we would schedule a date for an induction :):):). She would also be looking at who was on Labor and Delivery everday and if she sees me checked in she will come down and help :). I'm pretty happy even though I am pretty miserable too. By this time with the boys I was on bedrest and magnesium. ANYTHING is better than that stuff. I took a pic using the timer on my cam this here is the Katie bump :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looks like you will be delivering about the same time I will be...yea!!! You look great.