Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh Baby!!

Well had yet another doc appt....have to go every week now. Lil one looks good, but it looks like all these contractions I have had are starting to work. 2 cm and 50% effaced now (I was just 1cm and not effaced). Actually worried my doc a lil. Although I want this kid OUT, she needs to cook til at least Sept 30th. I cannot deliver in the post hospital until then. So maybe the 29th I'll be doing jumping jacks...heheeh. But until then I am taking some meds to help with contractions. My doc also fussed about my weight again. I just can't put much on....or well any in about a month. I'm trying though....I really am.
I'm trying to get some last minute things ready for Katie too. Been doing some painting in her room, went on a major shopping spree this weekend. Now if I can finish up the painting and get my hair cut one more time I will be set to deliver :).


Ashley said...

Lucky you. She HAS to stay in for a few more weeks...such a problem! Hope you are feeling good. Don't work too hard. Enjoy the haircut. I am getting mine cut tomorrow..then I thought why bother getting a haircut when it might not even get washed much in the new few months. Oh well, when it does it will look good! Give little Joe a hug for me!

Unknown said...

Liz...cannot wait to meet baby Katie...praying that she hangs the way the 30th is my Mom's 60th birthday!

Anonymous said...

Don't let the dr. worry you about your weight gain. I gained barely 18lbs the whole pregnancy and Genna was a healthy 7 lbs 14oz. I'm sure Katie will be fine and you'll be back to your prepregnancy weight in no time! I'm only have one pound to lose now!