Monday, July 14, 2008

It's not easy being (Army) green.

note*** total weepy woman who is complaining/venting ahead

Joe is gone....again. And I have to admit I am not the perfect poised officer's wife at these times. Joe and I get a lot of "I don't know how you do it" from non-military families. I usually answer with "Joe loves what he does and I do what I need to do to make sure things are working well while he is away." But on days like today....I am a wreck. I don't know how much I have cried since last night. I cried at the airport and in front of my lip quivering 5 year old. I didn't sleep either. I just laid next to the love of my life listening to his heartbeat and the steady rhythm of his breathing. I try to see the positives like tell myself "no more smelly socks for a while" and "I don't *have* to cook if I don't want to" and the extra money is nice. But on days like today I think of the last time he touched my face, the last time he held my hand, or rubbed my pregnant belly. And the tears come once again. Luckily for me the first few days are the worst. Soon my deployment mode will kick in, and I will have a routine and I will find comfort in a phone call. But today I am allowing myself to be sad. And today as the familiar clinking of dogs tags hit my chest I will think of the man who gives everything for his family and his country.


Unknown said...

Liz...wish I could hug you right now. Please let me know if there is anything Tim and I can do during this deployment...will be praying for you girly!

Household6 said...

I'm so sorry he's gone again.

We will be praying for you guys.

~ Uncle Sam's Family, Est. September 1994 ~ said...

I am tearing up just reading your post! If I were there I would give you a huge hug and then whisk you off to find chocolate! :-) I sure do miss Lowe Place and the support system we had there, don't you? Stay strong and remember that God's plan is sometimes hard to figure out until you look back and see how He was at work!! Lots of hugs to the boys!!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You are an amazing woman and I am in awe of your courage and strength. I only had to do it once and I can't imagine doing it over and over again. I am sereiously amazed by you girl! :)

BTW-Does it really seem like 5 years ago that our boys were born? It seems like yesterday we were both alone and pregnant together, doesn't it?

Ashley said...

Stay strong. You have always been an amazing woman to me and the courage you have raising those boys.

Anonymous said...

Liz, I hope that the next day will find you feeling stronger and a little more upbeat. We'll keep you in our prayers during this time of need. Stay strong and keep your eyes on the Lord, He will guide you.

Unknown said...

Hey Liz,

It's your old neighbor Karen from Lowe Place, Ft. Riley. Sorry to hear Joe is gone again. Nick just left after 3 months of MTT training back at Riley. Where are you now? I can't believe you have another kid and another one on the way. Joe is so big. I would hardly recognize the little toddler who would play in our backyard. Please keep in touch.