Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Garretto Burrito!!

My goodness didn't I just bring this sweet lil boy home from the hospital? How on EARTH can he be two????!! Well he is :). And what a precious child to have. Yes he has found the temper tantrums and what I like to call being a floppy fish in puplic places. Yes he and his brother roll around like dogs on the floor. Yes he has taken many a marker to my cabinets, the floor and himself. But he is soooo incredibly sweet, snuggly, gives me hugs on the back of my legs when I am doing dishes, and loves any kind of food I put in front of him :). We invited a few people over for a party and the kids had a ball. They played outside (yes it stopped raining for a dew hours!!!!), we did a pinata, opened presents, and enjoyed some cake. What a priceless moment for a dear little boy. Garrett, we love you so much. You will always be our Garretto Burrito. I have always make the boys' cakes but this was my first attempt at real decoration. Sorry Connie lolOpening the presents!! Cleaning up the loot from the pinata. Garrett grabbed a sucker and was happy :)

After seeing this video I had to share it. I crack myself up :) I am NOT a videographer and it so shows. This is what happens when you have to be Mom and Dad and party planner :) Next check out Garetto's pucker. He kisses the same too...soooooo cute!!!


Wendy said...

The cake looks awesome!! Hate that we missed such a good time....hope you had a great mother's day!!

Hilliard Family said...

I think the cake looks great too! I couldn't do that well. You did better than I did - I gave up on video. Not enough hands.