Monday, June 7, 2010

Let Summer Begin!!

I remember this time last year I was so nervous to face a summer with three kids alone. I remember wishing Joe could stay in school just so it could help me out. Now I was so excited for him to get out!! What a difference a year makes! Even Big Joe will get a break from work. His class graduates on 10 June and he gets about 3 weeks off before his next class comes in :). The kids and I are already loving the water park on post. Little Joe is really starting to swim well. I'm thinking by the end of the summer I can let him swim anywhere in the pool without me being 10 feet away. Big Joe's Mom and older brother will be here this week for a visit :). We plan on making several day trips around northern Kentucky, including the Louisville Zoo and Mammoth Cave, so it should be tons of fun. And Joe and I have attended a couple of balls. It's been a while since we've been able to get dressed up and go out because of deployments. It's been busy but fun.

2010 Regimental BallJoe (far left) and most of his students
Even summer time can wear a kid out :)

My business is doing well as well. I have at least one order a week and I have actually hit the point where I am making money over the investment that I made to start the business. Yay!!!! My next step to to get a combo embroidery/sewing machine and custom make some blankets and burp clothes to add to the cakes. My sewing machine has pretty much gone ca put and I miss making things. Can't wait to add this addition to the house and the business!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Great news. Yea for summer. good luck with the cakes. I just love them.