So for a little update on Joe...we went to Nashville after Easter (which somehow I forgot to put a post up about...I will do that ASAP!) Our wonderful doctor there again said we might need to go to some other hospitals just to see if there are extra things we can do for Joe. He has been having some skin issues (his hands and feet are peeling badly) and his doctor things this might be a vitamin deficiency. What?! The kid is tube fed a perfect diet! Shouldn't he be getting all of his vitamins? Well that's exactly what I said but evidently if you don't absorb well it doesn't matter if you are fed the perfect diet or not so we need to have that checked. His doctor also thinks we need to reexamine the motility in the intestines because he feels there is a possibility that one section of them may not work well causing a lot of other issues and it may be possible to have that section removed and reconnect the good stuff. There are other options as well we can look at now because Joe is old enough to try some things. So we have been referred to two hospitals in Cincinnati and Columbus is to hope!
We are also preparing for Garretto's birthday coming up! He is very excited! We are also having him tested to see if he can join a gymnastics class. Oh how I hope he does well because he wants to do so much that Joe does but he is not big enough yet. So we will see how his test goes Monday :). Garrett is growing so fast these days. Such a sweet little guy but I will post more on him on his special day :)
Bug is doing great :). She is still little, but the doctor was happy enough with her that he didn't want to change anything with her medically for the next 3-4 months! She only says "Mama" and "boo" but she understands almost everything you tell her. With this she has also hit the tantrum stage...dun dun DUN!! AHHHHH! I had no idea what I was in for with little girl tantrums but HOLY COW!!!!! But she is so stinking cute and sweet it is easy to forgive her when she has "said her piece"...for the past 15 minutes LOL.