Thursday, August 6, 2009

Counting days

I remember more than a year ago I was terrified at the thought of 15-18 months of deployment. And it was just 3 months ago that I was worried about having three kids at home with a full summer ahead of me and no hubby. And look here we are near the end of both. Guess what the most wonderful time of the year!!!! School starts tomorrow!!!! Ok so maybe I am a little too excited. I cannot believe Joe will be in the 1st grade. How does this stuff happen? I guess the same way as I am starting to notice lines around my eyes when I smile and how when I say "Boys!" to fuss at Joe and Garrett it sounds an awful lot like my mother.
So these past few days we have just been hanging out, doing some school shopping this weekend (tax free wooohoo!), and spending time with friends. We have tons of birthday parties coming up and I am starting work on the move. I can now say that word, yes the four letter one that starts with an m, without crying so I am pleased with myself :). I am actually getting a little excited about a new place for a bit, doing some new things, but all within driving distance of home. :):):):)
Speaking of home...Joe has less than 80 days left of this tour. Can you see the elephants dancing around me?!?!!?!!?!!?!? I am so excited I can't even describe it, and the thought of him being home for so long is so very comforting to me. This tour has been our longest but I have to say it has been our strongest one yet. Joe and I have never been closer in our relationship and I am so proud of both of us for that. I think it has also helped being around friends and family that have done so much for my family. I hope we can repay them somehow someday.

Well Joe fussed at me for not having photos on the last update so I will stick some random ones here. :) Love you babe.
This is Katie and her future BFF Madison (my BFF's little girl). Isn't she cute?! Yesterday Katie dialed BFF's number and her phone was sitting on Madison. No hours on the phone yet girls! (Sad thing here is you notice Bug is not much bigger than 2 month old Maddie :( )
Goofy Garretto enjoying some ice cream on a hot day :)All of my chicks in a tub. I just love tub pictures :) My hubby did something very sweet. He ordered personalized M&Ms for me in my favorite colors might I add :). They said Think. Dream. Pray. Forever. This is a shortened version of a saying we say for goodbyes...mostly during deployments. Sigh..I love him :).


knlewis said...

They are too precious!!!! Your husband is top notch sista!!! That is so sweet with the m&m's. I can't wait for his 80 days to be up for you guys!! I will count them down w/ya.

Ashley said...

You are going to have so much fun when he comes back! It will be here before you know it...