Saturday, May 16, 2009

Trying a new workout

I'm sure you have seen it on's called P90X. It is a series of dvds with different workouts. I decided to do this because I have been moderately working out since Katie was 6 weeks old. I have lost all but 5 pounds of my baby weight (currently at 125 and I am 5'2) and I am stuck. And although I lost this weight I feel soft. Granted I know I have some body issues (you will never see me in shorts outside my home) but I want to feel better about how I look. Plus having a little more energy to keep up with these kidlets would be nice too. I have done 2 days worth and my gosh I haven't worked this hard in's no picnic, but that is part of my problem, On my own I don't work myself THAT hard...and definately not for an hour. Ok so I am being on my stats on Day 2. chest 36', waist 34.5', hips 38'. Of course like most mothers...and probably women in general my mid section is what I dislike the most. Three babies will do that to you. So my goal is not really to lose a whole lot of weight but to tone and define. This is a 90 day program (which obviously you would have to continue with workouts to stay in shape). I will retake measurements every week or two. I have a friend who has lost 3 inches from her waist in 2 weeks! So here we go. Tony are hired!!

1 comment:

Ashley said... are brave putting this on the internet. Good Luck and keep me updated!