Friday, March 6, 2009

Ear, couch, vomit, and cow legs?!?!

LOL Welcome to my house :) Let me explain what has happened the past couple of days.

1. Ear- My sweet lil girl has done really well with sleeping, until Monday night. Then it was like someone traded my precious lil one for a screaming, non sleeping, fussy eating, monster!! By yesterday I had had enough and scheduled a doc appt. Mostly for my sake but I thought surely they could tell me something. Low and behold she has an ear infection. Way to go Mama....make your sweet baby wait 5 days to get relief. She's also still really small. In fact she has lost weight since her 4 month appt. She is hovering around 12 1/2 pounds. The doc was thinking it was ear related but if not reflux meds will be introduced....again.

2. Couch- This is where I have been sleeping for the past 3 nights. My beautiful sleigh bed is here and assembled but I have no mattress. So while I wait I am sleeping with the dogs...lovely :).

3. Vomit- Two of my three dogs woke me from slumber last night needing to vomit. Needless to say I did not fumble to the alarm to turn it off so I could get them out before they puked in the kitchen. UGH!!!!

4. Cow Legs?- So why are your dogs vomitting, Liz? Are they sick? Um no. As I venture out this morning to feed the horses I notice a large black object in my yard. Oh jeez I think to myself, Zhuk has killed a cat...or worse a skunk!!! Nope it was the leg of a cow. Oh yuck!!! I just told myself to close my eyes and toss it in the trash. Man I need to tip my garbage men.

So that is my world as of right now. Sounds blissful huh?! hehehehe so since you made it this far I decided to include what made me smile this week.

1 comment:

~ Uncle Sam's Family, Est. September 1994 ~ said...

Yikes! What a week! You're a trooper, Liz. And you deserve a weekend at a Spa Resort when Joe returns home... :-D