Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is the face I've been stressing over...

LOL bet you thought it would be a kiddo huh? This is Arthur the donkey. And I am getting paranoid over him. He has gotten severely ill twice since December. For those who understand horse's COLIC ugh!!! Anyway anytime he lays down, rolls, or even lifts his tail to pass gas I am worried that he is blocked again. I stress and stress and for the past tow days this poor donkey has looked at me like I am out of my mind!!LOL. I'm poking and prodding and pouring oil on his food. I have added a heater to the water...everything I can think of. Strange how when we got him I thought of him solely as a companion for Gunner, our horse, but it's official...we love him and his is a part of the family. He seems fine now..lets just hope and pray he stays that way!


Ashley said...

He is too cute. Hope he is feeling better.

Hilliard Family said...

What a precious face! How could you not love him??

Anonymous said...

He is a cutie! Hope he feels better soon.